No-shows are, quite frankly, a nuisance.

Addressing the Challenge of No-Shows

Indeed, you might be able to fill up the time created by no-shows with some administrative tasks or cleaning, but this demands a mental shift. You were prepared to engage with a client and deliver your services, not to fold towels!

Here's a typical process when realizing a client is a no-show:

  1. Hope You're convinced they haven't forgotten. They just booked the appointment last week. There's still a chance they'll show up.
  2. Denial You reach for your phone to text them, provided you have their number.
  3. Acceptance You understand that you can either spend the next 50 minutes hopefully watching the door, or you can come to terms with reality and attempt to use that time productively. Mark them as a no-show.
  4. Anger You clean in a huff, resenting each folded towel and swept hair.
  5. Distraction You glance at your colleagues busy with their clients, enjoying pleasant conversations. You know you'll be there again. Some day.

To tackle this disheartening cycle depicted above, we've introduced automated reminders in You'reOnTime.

Our customer data (completely anonymous, of course!) indicates that on average, no-shows are reduced by 50% if client reminders are activated.

This means you could halve your no-shows practically overnight, merely by sending reminders.

Naturally, the magic lies in automated reminders. Otherwise, you'd be spending additional time manually texting everyone on your list, which is simply another form of time loss from your day. Our customers consistently praise our set-and-forget client reminders.

“The ability to send text reminders to our customers’ phones has significantly reduced missed appointments!” – Vanessa McCormick, My Body Organic

“Since using You'reOnTime, my 'no-shows' and last-minute cancellations have decreased so dramatically that I can now work 4 days a week instead of 5 while maintaining the same turnover.” – Caroline Tyler, Caroline Tyler Consulting

“The rate of 'no-shows' is now almost non-existent!” – Theresa Joyce, Heavenly Beauty

Rest assured, not a single one of those individuals were paid to provide those glowing testimonials. If you haven't activated automatic reminders yet...what's holding you back??

Let's explore the emotional phases of a no-show when you've activated reminders:

  1. Satisfaction Your client arrives because they received a two-way SMS yesterday about their impending appointment. They realized they'd forgotten, swiftly altered their lunch plans, replied 'Y' to the text, and arrived promptly today. Both you and your client are pleased.

And that concludes the cycle.

Reminders not only offer convenience to your clients, but they also project a sense of professionalism. You're operating a business and you expect them to arrive on time! Don't compromise.

Activate reminders. Do it.